The Journey

Recovery is a journey, not a destination.


Social Distancing During Addiction Recovery

Isolation and addiction go hand in hand. In the early stages of addiction, many use alcohol or drugs in social settings to feel less alone and more connected. As the use becomes more repetitive and progresses, the brain chemistry shifts in a way that produces obsessive thoughts and compulsive actions.

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How Addiction Affects Families

Although many view battling addiction as a personal experience, that’s not the full story. It’s true that addiction can have devastating effects on the user, but many forget about the other people involved – the family.

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The Origins of Addiction

Addiction forever changes the lives of those affected by it, and those who witness loved ones experience it. The more we understand why it’s so powerful, where it comes from, and why it affects individuals differently, the better chance we have at fighting it.

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How to Solve the Opioid Crises

Drug overdose is the leading cause of unintentional death in the United States. Opioid addiction is driving the epidemic. The Public Health Institute believes that solving the opioid crisis will be a collective effort.

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Depression and Addiction

Depression and addiction are often linked. Symptoms of depression can drive people toward substance abuse to help cope with their condition. However, self-medicating with drugs or alcohol usually leads to a downward spiral and addiction.

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Opioid Addiction Treatment Strategies

Coming off opioids is extremely difficult, but with a good strategy, it can and has been successfully done. Scientists and doctors that try to find new ways to help opioid addicts focus on finding treatments that are both safe and effective.

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Types of Addiction Treatment

Receiving treatment for addiction is the only proven way to break the cycle. In the US, about 8 percent of the population, or 21.7 million people, need or regularly receive treatment for substance use disorders.

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African man counselor therapist coach psychologist speak at group counseling therapy session concept encourage support patients in addiction talk share problem sit in circle in rehab, close up view

Understanding Opioid Addiction

To better fight opioid addiction, the first step is understanding what it is and how it works in the human body. Having an understanding of the mechanics of opioid addiction gives us perspective and empathy for those suffering from it.

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Managing Anxiety During Addiction Recovery

Addiction and anxiety go hand-in-hand. A lot of addicts use to control anxiety, not realizing it only leads to more anxiety. Alcohol, for example, changes serotonin levels and other transmitters in the brain, which can elevate anxiety.

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