
Local & Online Resources for Recovery

At Al‑Anon family group meetings, the friends and family members of problem drinkers share their experiences and learn how to apply the principles of the Al‑Anon program to their individual situations. Younger family members and friends attend Al-ATeen meetings. is a free service of Join Together, a project of the Partnership for Drug-Free Kids and Boston University School of Public Health. If you are worried that alcohol may be harming your health or that your drinking patterns are putting you at risk, help is available.

Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism.

The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking. 

Clients with co-occurring disorders (COD) typically have one or more disorders relating to the use of alcohol and/or other drugs, as well as one or more mental disorders. A client can be described as having co-occurring disorders when at least one disorder of each type can be established independent of the other and is not simply a cluster of symptoms resulting from another disorder.

Let this be your guide to finding the best new home to keep your addiction recovery on track. It will discuss considerations to make about your new neighborhood, the home itself and offer advice on ways to make your new environment promote a healthy life. As you explore your options, be sure to keep your partner informed about your thoughts and make each decision a joint consensus.

If you notice that your use of a drug becomes more frequent, and if you need larger doses to achieve the same feeling (pain relief, a “high,” calming the nerves, etc.), or if you need the drug simply to feel relaxed and it becomes increasingly difficult to go without it, you are probably addicted. You will know for certain if you try to stop using it and are unable, or if not using it causes you to feel physically ill.

If you’re concerned about your teen’s drug or alcohol use, then it is time to take action. You can never be too safe or intervene too early – even if you believe your teen is just “experimenting.” Read on to find answers to parents’ most pressing questions about interventions.

Memphis Addiction Help is a resource by Church Health Center here in Memphis where you’ll find information on treatment, recovery, and prevention. You’ll also find a Treatment Locator that lists facilities in West Tennessee, DeSoto County, Mississippi, and Crittenden County, Arkansas.

Memphis Area Intergroup Association is a directory of resources and meeting schedules for various support groups around the Mid-South.

Narcotics Anonymous is a twelve-step program, gratefully adapted from the Twelve Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous. NA was formed in the summer of 1953 by a group of addicts who broadened the perspective of those Twelve Steps. NA believes that our addiction is all-inclusive–it doesn’t matter what drug or specific substance we used. Since then, NA has helped a great many addicts learn to live clean lives on a daily basis.

The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) is one of the 27 institutes and centers that comprise the National Institutes of Health (NIH). NIAAA supports and conducts research on the impact of alcohol use on human health and well-being. It is the largest funder of alcohol research in the world.

There are all kinds of benefits to meditation, both physical and psychological. From reduced chronic pain to better cognitive function, meditating every day or even a few times a week is a wonderful way to boost your overall well-being and happiness. Creating the ideal space for your quiet reflection isn’t difficult, but there are specific elements you’ll want to include and others you’ll want to avoid.

As a supervisor, watching an employee struggle with substance abuse can be incredibly tough. Employers do have a right to fire employees if their job performance declines due to substance abuse. However, many wish to help their employees constructively address addiction through a substance abuse treatment program.

It isn’t always easy knowing how to talk to your children about the serious issues that could have a dangerous impact on their lives like drug and alcohol abuse. Many parents aren’t sure when they should bring up the topic, not to mention exactly how to approach it.

TAADAS is a statewide, consumer-oriented, association representing thousands of consumers in recovery, family members, healthcare professionals & providers. Their mission is to educate, support and engage our members and public, influence policy and advocate for prevention, treatment and recovery services.