Congratulations on your recovery! As you are aware, recovery is an ongoing process. A tip to help you continue along the path to continued success includes having a routine that is healthy and developed early on in recovery. A few of the ways recovering addicts can build a healthy lifestyle include setting daily schedules, encouraging others to support your new habits, appreciating the basics, prioritizing meetings, and removing clutter from your life.
Sober Living Facilities provide a safe environment and a supportive community for individuals recovering from addiction issues. Living in a sober living facility helps addicts adjust to life without using. Many individuals who have recently gone through inpatient treatment find this type of facility helps them transition to living independently and adapt to their new life as a productive member of society.
Fees vary but often include an initiation or application fee and a weekly fee that can range from $75.00 to $150.00 per week. Food is generally not included in the fees charged by the facility. Contact information for sober living options in the Memphis area are listed below:
1) Simplifying Daily Schedules
Structuring a healthy lifestyle is something you are probably looking forward to doing. Maintaining a daily schedule, from eating at specific times to exercising and planning a game night with family and new friends are all positive, substance-free activities that recovering addicts can do to reinforce new habits. Just remember to take the time to restore your emotional, spiritual, and physical energy so you can continue to move forward on your path to success.
2) Helping Others Understand Your New Routines
Share the great news about your recovery with your friends and family. By telling them about your hard work, they will see how far you’ve come and all that you have accomplished. It is also an excellent way to regularly improve your self-confidence and give you that boost of motivation when you need it. When they realize that having a routine is part of a healthy lifestyle, your family and friends will likely do everything they can to support your progress.
3) Getting Back to Basics
Having a routine establishes a healthy lifestyle and is essential for recovering addicts to experience a sense of balance in their growth. A routine is more than just streamlining new habits and sharing your success with people. Part of early recovery involves getting sufficient rest and caring for your nutritional needs. The benefits of getting back to the basics and attending to your primary needs include:
- Preventing sleep issues, such as insomnia
- Minimizing the opportunity to trigger cravings
- Providing comfort, familiarity, and structure
- Making regular responsibilities more manageable
- Improving productivity in many areas of life
4) Making Meetings a Priority
When you attend Alcoholics Anonymous or Narcotics Anonymous 12-step group meetings, you’ll feel much more relaxed and confident afterward. It’s an incredible feeling to establish friendships with others who have made also the remarkable journey to recovery. Embracing sobriety with other recovering addicts is an essential step for having a routine and one that can have you enjoying laughter and smiling again.
5) Clearing the Clutter
You worked hard to structure your environment around a healthy lifestyle. Your conviction, positive thinking, determination, and strength are qualities of which you should be proud, and looking at the world from a new perspective is pretty exciting. When you make clear the clutter from your home and workplace, they become inviting and warm places where you can celebrate your new life.
Developing healthy habits can address changing needs, boost motivation, and keep propelling you forward successfully. Having a routine is a quintessential component of success for recovering addicts to continue the exciting journey throughout the healing process.